ISSN:2214-8604|Publisher:Elsevier BV|Type:Magazine|Language:English|Periority:Quarterly|Category:Engineering|Category[fa]:مهندسی|Subjects:Engineering - Industrial Engineering, Technology: Comprehensive Works|Subjects[fa]: مهندسی صنایع|Disc:Aims to acknowledge the innovative nature of additive manufacturing and its applications to current and future developments in the field.|

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Additive Manufacturing

ISSN: 2214-8604
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Type: Magazine
Language: English
Peiority: Quarterly
Subject(s): Engineering - Industrial Engineering, Technology: Comprehensive Works
Subject(s): مهندسی صنایع
Description: Aims to acknowledge the innovative nature of additive manufacturing and its applications to current and future developments in the field.More ...
  • Additive Manufacturing 2017 (Vol 06) (issue 01) 

    Publish: February 2017
    Issue: 01
    Volume: 6
    Type: Magazine
    Publisher: Elsevier BV
    Subject(s): Engineering , مهندسی ,